Online Personal Training Exercises - Day 6

Feb 9, 2018

By Tim Saye

As we continue to add new exercises to PT Distinction we're getting to the point where every trainer has all of the exercises they want in order to provide perfect online training. However, we will not rest on out laurels until we get there.

Here's a list of the new ones we added today:

TRX Row/ Reverse Fly
TRX Shoulder Press
Up Downs
V Up with Bent Knees
Wall Balls
Wall Sit Ball Slams
Wall Sit Side to Side Ball Slams
Wide Stance Glute Bridge to Bench with Mini-band 
Assisted Pull Up - Supinated Grip
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press
American Kettlebell Swing
Arm Haulers
Assisted Dips
Assisted Pull Up - Neutral Grip

On top of these here's a list of the new ones added on Monday Click here.

And these are the exercises we added yesterday – Click here.
