Demo Video: Online Group Training Done Properly

Sep 22, 2017

By Tim Saye

Online group training presents a great option for all online personal trainers. You can offer a brilliant service at a relatively low price and your members can enjoy the camaraderie and results that come with being part of a community on a shared mission.

As with everything you have to do it well to be successful.

A few training programs and a group chat will have you losing clients faster than you can bring them in but done properly with training programs, nutrition coaching, habits to work on, daily comunication, results tracking and lifestyle advice all built around your members busy life you can build a fantastic business and community around online group training.

This video shows you how to set up high quality online group coaching that gets great results and keeps members long term.

To set up high quality online group training that gets results and keeps clients long term check out this article then join PT Distinction.